Friday, November 11, 2016

The Language of Reconciliation is the Language of Abuse

This is not the time for reconciliation. This is the time to shame each and every person we know who voted for Donald Tangerine Shitstain.

I am sick, physically and literally ill, from your pleas for "healing" and "unity". If you are engaging in this bullshit rhetoric you are nothing but an enabler; because THIS is an abusive relationship. Our male-dominated red strip slapped a bitch in the face because she had the audacity to believe she was equal. This is not behaviour that you should excuse, regardless of an individual's reasons for voting Team Shitstain. When you preach love and tolerance toward these actions, you become the co-dependent half of a loveless zombie marriage.

Half of our country made the decision to either approve of or look the other way when it came to recorded, proven abuses against women by a ridiculous "man." Many did so due to their belief in racial superiority. Many more did so on the slim, stupid, unfounded and unproven FEELING that they couldn't trust Hillary. That they did not trust SeƱor Spraytan never weighed into that equation. Whatever their reasons, be them flat-out racist, sexist, hateful or simply apathetic, we should not simply agree to disagree. To do so is to join those who decided they could look past actions that would cause them to load their shot-guns against any man who did this to their daughters. To do so is to say that you forgive them, but they will hear that you condone them. We have no time for fine distinction. We have no time for loving the man and hating the sin. SHAME ON YOU ALL. Shame from all fronts, all media, all your brethren, until you understand that this shit is UNACCEPTABLE.

And now, you liberal pacifists, you cowardly lions, you are making it WORSE. You are telling women that they should just roll over and enjoy it. You are saying that you were against this whole grabbing of our pussies, but now you think maybe he can change - he loves you, and any way you really should stay together for the children. The abusive element of our society is so much better off with you there for him.

You, my Cowardly Lions, advocate "forgiveness" to stop feeling the feelings that you have now; if we can "heal," you can feel better. You can stop hate-vomiting in the toilet when you wake up. You can stop that lump in your stomach from distracting you from your children, your life, your personal happiness and sense of safety. You can feel comfortable, like you did before this affront to real democracy.

You are taking the easy way out and you are an awful person for doing so.

What you are feeling right now, that pain, that anxiety, that killing lump, is what every women felt the first time she was assaulted. Maybe even the second, or the third. But now, she is numb. She is used to it. And you, you simple, sweet, far to kind individuals, you are telling her she should be. There is nothing you or anyone can do but lie there and take it.

This is not the time to hug your rapist and just get along. This is the time for CONSEQUENCES FOR ACTIONS. Don't reconcile, don't appreciate, don't meet half-way. Let the people who did this injustice know that you don't approve, you won't abide, you won't be having Thanksgiving together, until you hear a genuine apology for this assault against the women of this country.

- Do not pick at scabs and expect no one to bleed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for saying that so well. For saying what a lot of us feel, but couldn't articulate. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
